What is the latest for Coloradians as it pertains to Coronavirus / Covid – 19? We have tried to summarize everything you need to know right now. The Denver Post published a comprehensive FAQ about the Stay-At-Home issued in the state of Colorado. You can find the full post here. Below are a couple of the critical questions on everyone’s mind:
When does the order take effect?
The order will take effect Thursday, March 26 at 6 a.m. and is set to last through Saturday, April 11, 2020 unless rescinded or modified by further Executive Order.
Where does the “Stay at Home” order apply?
The Governor’s executive order includes the entire state except areas in which a county health authority obtains approval from CDPHE to modify the order. Unless you work for a critical business or are doing an essential activity, you should stay home. Work from home is permitted and encouraged where possible. Although this order does not apply to critical business, social distancing will be mandated for those businesses that remain open.
Will grocery stores be open?
Yes, essential services will still be operational including, but not limited to: grocery stores, gas stations, pharmacies, police stations, fire stations, hospitals, clinics and healthcare operations, garbage/sanitation, public transportation and public benefits hotlines (i.e. SNAP, Medicaid).
How can I get medical care if I need it?
If you are feeling sick, call your doctor, a nurse hotline, any telehealth hotline set up specifically for COVID-19 (check with your insurance company) or an urgent care center. If you are experiencing symptoms or are currently in isolation, you should stay at home and follow the guidelines provided by your physician. Do not go to an emergency room unless necessary. Nonessential medical care like eye exams and teeth-cleaning should be postponed. When possible, healthcare visits should be done remotely. Contact your healthcare provider to see what tele-health services they provide.
Can I pick up meals being provided by my child’s school?
Yes. Schools that provide free food services to students will continue on a pick-up and take-home basis.
The Denver Post also updated another FAQ (as of an hour ago on 4/4/20 at 9:26 am MST). You can find it here or reference. One of the questions that received an updated answer, both locally and federally, should I wear a mask? Here is the answer:
Should I wear a mask?
The guidance on this is still evolving. Public health agencies initially told people without symptoms that a mask wouldn’t protect them much, but it’s now clear that there was concern about conserving supplies for health care workers, who are most at risk from the virus. Now, Gov. Jared Polis has asked all Coloradans to wear cloth non-medical masks when going out in public. The argument for it is that infected people without symptoms would be less likely to transmit the virus. The argument against had been that people fussing with a mask may touch their faces more than they normally would, or have a false sense of security and ignore orders to stay home.
If you have a question you want to ask, you can do so here, thanks to The Denver Post.
Stay safe! Don’t exhaust yourself by watching too much news. Simply stay informed as needed. #coloradostrong #weareallinthistogether
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