Local Date Night Favorites for Valentine’s Day | South Denver Moms

Valentine’s Day is 10 days away! Whether you celebrate on the 14th or not, you should still try and plan a date night with your love! We personally celebrate on the 13th and it means that restaurants are slightly less busy. If you don’t have reservations yet (always smart to have some!), here is a recap of a few places that we’ve highlighted to date. All were noted by the women who have been featured so far as part of our Meet A Mom series as being a favorite date night restaurants. Some we have tried personally and some we haven’t, but all of them are amazing options for a Valentine’s Day dinner. There are some sushi options, Italian options, American options and even some Mexican options. They are all scattered about in the Denver Metro Area and some have multiple locations. Take a look at the list and let us know if you try any of these spots out! We’d love to hear from you!

My husband and I always keep a running list of places the we want to go to, so that when it comes time to making reservations for our monthly date night, we don’t panic and forget what we’ve been meaning to try. We also always like to try a new spot, we rarely go to the same place twice. There are just so many great options in and around Denver, that we can’t justify not always trying something new.

What’s your favorite date-night spot? It can be something you have already tried or something you want to try. We’d love to hear from you! Send us a note at [email protected].

Happy (almost) Valentine’s Day!

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