Cheers to our second full Meet A Mom interview being released! Meet Mandy Hiatt! Founder and Owner of Soy Good Candle Co. I am also lucky enough to call her my sister-in-law! 🙂 She only started Soy Good a few months ago and has already launched an amazing business that is already being raved about. Not only are her scents amazing, the creative names are so clever and make for a fun topic of conversation when burning.
Mandy has recently released her special 2020 Candle that is on sale now. if you need something to ring in the New Year OR need a hostess gift for someone someone special this holiday season, the 2020 candle is the perfect item. The description for the 2020 candle is my favorite and very much describes Mandy’s personality in my opinion. 🙂 “This year instead of making a bunch of New Year resolutions and dwelling on all the things you think you need to change or improve on, I want you to just celebrate who you are! You’re a bad ass, beautiful, amazing babe and this year just continue being you. Cheers, bitches!” 100% agree with this approach to the New Year and life really!
What is my favorite candle? Me Time! The perfect scent year round and makes the house smell amazing! I promise you won’t be disappointed. Enjoy learning more about Mandy and why she decided to start her thriving candle business.
Briefly introduce yourself!
Hi everyone! I’m Mandy. I’m a wife, mom, and business owner originally from Salem, OR. I met my husband in Las Vegas where we lived for about 11 years before relocating to Denver a few years ago!
How many children do you have and what are their age(s)?
I have two daughters, Presley Jane (3 years old) and Nellie Mae (10 months old).
Where do you live in South Denver exactly?
West Highlands Ranch
What’s your favorite family friendly activity in South Denver?
All of our amazing parks! I love that I have two right up the street from me that I can easily walk to.
What’s your favorite kid friendly restaurant in South Denver?
We spend a lot of time as Los Dos Potrillos, Rock Bottom Brewery and Breckenridge Brewery.
What’s your favorite date night restaurant in Denver (not just South Denver)?
Cherry Hills Sushi Co is awesome as well as Angelo’s if we don’t want to go too far!
What’s the best mom and/or parenting advice you’ve received?
Embrace the chaos and give yourself a lot of grace.
What inspires you?
My kids. So cliche but it’s true.
You just launched SoyGood Candle Co. Tell us more.
Soy Good Candle Co just launched a few months ago and it has been such an awesome creative outlet for me! It all started after I decided to be crafty one day and try out candle making. I wanted to make candles for my home that I knew were safe and all natural. I fell in love with it and suddenly started coming up with names and labels and it just blossomed from there. It’s not only really fun and something I get to do for me, it has allowed me to meet some many amazing members of the community!
What inspired you to start SoyGood Candle Co.?
The desire to do something that didn’t involve making bottles and changing diapers. Ha. I wish I could give you a more inspiring or exciting answer but honestly, I just wanted something that was all mine and wasn’t related to my children. 🙂
What do you do for self-care?
Sleep. My husband knows that I need my sleep so he let’s me sleep in on the weekends and if someone says I can go do something, whatever I want, for an hour or two, I will nap.
What is your best mom hack?
I’m the worst at mom hacks and I’m most likely always doing things the hard way but I do love a little reverse psychology to get my toddler to do something.
Is there anything else about you and/or your business you want to highlight?
Just that if you’re in the community and ever want to stop by and check us out and actually smell the candles that we have in stock (buying candles online is so hard if you haven’t smelled them) please do! I absolutely love meeting you all!
Are you a local mom that has a business and/or something you are passionate about and want to share via our Meet A Mom series? Reach out with questions to [email protected] OR complete our application here.